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About Oreyome

Oor Classic Oreyome


​Die app, gebou volgens Afrika -beginsels van spiritualiteit, onthul die positiewe en/of negatiewe energie wat verband hou met die situasies, omstandighede
en uitdagings van die daaglikse lewe. Die app onthul die bied aan die ondersoeker leiding om positiewe energieke invloede te verbeter en die impak van negatiewe energieke invloede uit te skakel of te verminder. 

Die beoogde gehoor is iemand wat al ooit die vraag gevra het "hoekom?" in verband met die oënskynlike wispelturigheid en onvoorspelbaarheid van die lewe.

Oor die ontwikkelaar

Klassieke Oreyome is ontwikkel deur
Hugh A. Turner oftewel Ifadarefumi Zannu (Fadare), 'n kliniese sielkundige,
en geïnisieerde priester in die Wes -Afrikaanse Yoruba -geloofstradisie van Ifa.
Fadare is van mening dat hy deur sy voorouer- en geestelike gidse gelei is om die orakel te skep as 'n manier om duidelikheid te ontvang om verder te sien as die skynheiligheid, dwalings,
en vals nuus wat elke dag vir ons aandag skree.

Hugh A. Turner aka Ifadarefumi Zannu (Fadare), a clinical psychologist, and initiated priest in the West African Yoruba faith tradition of Ifa. Fadare believes he was led by his Ancestral and Spiritual guides to create the oracle as a way to assist users of the App to know the truth about what concerns them.

About the Developer

Hoe dit werk

Classic Oreyome provides the inquirer two choices;

(1) The App reveals whether the energies that are prevalent around the inquirer’s specific question are positive or negative. This kind of questions can be answered by a Yes/No response from Oreyome:
Yes = the energies are positive
No = the energies are negative

2) Another feature of the App is its ability to reveal to the inquirer the dynamic interplay of positive and negative energetic influencers that are associated with every aspect of human experience. With this information available to the inquirer, they are able to make informed decisions that are consistently in their best interest. 

A typical question might be:
“What are the energetic forces, positive and negative at work in this action/ situation and, are there unintended consequences positive as well as negative present in the activity/situation.

How it Works

Procedure & Interpretation  

5 Shell Yes/ No response:

Tap the upper button to roll 5 shells, the answer is determined by the number of shells distributed between the Positive (top) and Negative (Bottom) energies. If more shells fall within the Positive energetic domain the answer is Yes, conversely if more shells fall within the Negative energetic domain the answer is No.


6 Shell Interpretation: Tap the button to roll 6 shells.

Tap the button to roll 6 shells. Tap on any shell(s) that may fall in the Negative Domain first. These shells represent the negative energies attached to the situation and are energies that you should want to change. Next, tap on the shells in the Positive Domain, these represent positive energies that may be used to minimize or eliminate the negative energies.

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